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日期:2021-09-15 点击数: 来源:
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讲座题目: “Hyped Beyond Belief”: Shakespeare’s Sonnets in the Twenty-First Century(莎士比亚的十四行诗在21世纪)

主讲人: Chelsie Malyszek (汉普登-悉尼学院兼职副教授)

讲座时间:923 800

ZOOM2573998249 (密码:D##U55)



微信图片_20210913132738个人简介Chelsie Malyszek is Visiting Assistant Professor of English at Hampden-Sydney College. She earned her PhD from Yale University in 2020. Her research focuses on how American and British poets from 1915 to the present have turned to word choice, rather than conventions such as the line and stanza, to make their texts recognizably "poetic." Her other research interests include philology, style manuals, and dictionaries. Her recent work has appeared in The Threepenny Review and The Los Angeles Review of Books.

讲座介绍:This lecture investigates how twenty-first-century American poets respond to the authority William Shakespeare exerts over the sonnet form. With special attention to how contemporary poets Jen Bervin and Harryette Mullen isolate and extend Shakespearean sonnet tropes, this lecture aims to demonstrate that twenty-first-century adaptations of Shakespeare constitute a continuation of his poetics, not just a break from him. Tracking the sonnet's enduring popularity beyond the Renaissance and into the twenty-first century provides a new critical lens with which to view the potential advantages of such a traditional, restrictive form.